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Bouquets how to match dress


Small round bouquet

Small round bouquet gives a sweet feeling, lovely semicircular shape, bring out the couple's coy or sweet, flowers matching up, you can choose different colored flowers to create gradients of Visual effects. Small round bouquet, not only cute and lovable, but wedding dresses to match is also very strong, very fit in any style of wedding dress!

Crescent-shaped bouquet

Imagine the moon hanging in the sky, transformed into Crescent-shaped bouquet of the bride's hands, isn't it romantic? Due to the circular shape of the Crescent-shaped bouquet, which decorate it with orchids, roses, lilies and other flowers, bouquet, elegant, so is ideal for the average traditional wedding, when the bride, holding a crescent-shaped bouquet, effusively and happiness!

Waterfall bouquet

Waterfall-shaped bouquet, as the name suggests bouquet shapes like a waterfall, from the top down is a natural vertical effects. Waterfall-shaped bouquet feels more noble and elegant, so the flowers will typically select the texture better. Waterfall-shaped bouquet bride will be placed between the waist, it is recommended that brides might as well match long place wedding dress, you'll be the most beautiful bride in the wedding Oh!

Ball bouquet

This is a part of your wedding and, of course, want to go with a bunch of your own bouquet, Oh! If you're a sweet little brides, styling cute round bouquet with you it matches too! Bouquet is usually spherical with tulips, Gerbera, roses and other graphic-flowers, so the suits are alive, especially small bride took it at afternoon tea-wedding party, is fit again but also!

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